November 26, 2020YGGDRASILL
LIMITED EDITION (15 pieces) Artprint 32×45 in high quality natural white paper marked with felt 260gr/mq.
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LIMITED EDITION (15 pieces) Artprint 32×45 in high quality natural white paper marked with felt 260gr/mq.
I spent most of my time during the quarantine caused by covid-19 studying Viking art trying to give it not a modern interpretation but to create a REALLY Viking work of art (especially based on Mammen’s style).
This is the result.
Every knot, line, curve that you can see in this work are strictly based on the Viking knowledge of craftsmanship, NOT copied or reinterpreted by some find, but an original work based on respect for the rules that those craftsmen have left us…
Trying to decipher and harmonize the sinuosity of the shapes was, for me, a strong and rewarding experience that has permeated almost all of my time.